Working with I our group has had its ups and downs but for the most part we got through it and became a stronger group because of all the arguments.
Working with Elissa has been a joy as she always try's to see the best in every situation and works really hard all the time and always went above and beyond for our group.
Working with Nikita had been a struggle, although she started off the project very enthusiastic this soon changed and she became increasingly difficult to work with, to talk to and even to get work off. I appreciate our group has had a lot of struggles but sometimes you just have to pick yourself up and brush it off for the sake of the group, this is not something she was able to do and I have found it very difficult to work along side her.
Chloe and marko have been great to work with they are always positive and enthusiastic about our brand they rarely complain and contributed a huge amount of work to our group.
Danny and I had our differences at the start but once we moved on from them we got along great and even when she was not in for whatever reason she was very easy to contact and would always be willing to send work straight away.
Amanda has been good with reasoning with the group when things get difficult, she always does her work when she says she will and works well in a team.
Elsie has often caused a lot of arguments due to uneccessary gossiping.
Although this unit has been difficult at times it has been great learning different aspects of setting up a business and I've enjoyed that side of things, and I also like the way that the majority of our group came together in the end and produced some really well thought out work, I enjoyed working with most of our group members and hope to work with some of them again one day.